Larry Mengel

Larry & Adrienne Mengel

Larry served for 30 years. He earned a master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Lehigh University. As part of his work for the Army, he developed and ran simulations for the M1 Tank and the Apache Helicopter. He spent 1978 at Detroit Diesel Alison learning how civilian industry worked and went on to continue working on the development of the M1 Tank. Larry completed his Army career as the TRADOC System Manager for the Simulator Networking Program, which was later used to train units headed to Desert Storm.

In retirement, he worked as a contractor serving as a liaison between industry and the military. He spent time working in Taiwan to develop their defense strategies and closed his second career as a Program Manager for Alion Science and Technology.

Fully retired, Larry gave back: church, Habitat for Humanity, Feeding America Kentucky Harvest, Wake Forest Restore.